Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One morning, you just wake up realizing that you are no longer alone. Beside you, is someone destiny has chosen for you to spend your life with; wrestle on constricted bed space, tussle over pillows and blankets like kids, sharing conjugal secrets, and engaging on those wonderful conversations. I called this LOVE..and it found me..

Love is one of life’s countless mysteries. It is a beautiful gift. It is worth every drop of tears, every ounce of prayer, every effort, every pain..and faith. It is worth holding on when you are almost ready to give up and just let go. It is worth fighting for when you are so battle-scarred but choose to fight for it still.

Now, after taking him into my life, after deciding to become his lifetime witness, I just find myself in a constant adjustment to a different level of existence—a world with no more boundaries, no more comfort zones, no more exclusivities, but one that is shared selflessly (or selfishly..hehe J).
I would still gladly choose to be in this world despite of its being obscure, tear-inducing and exasperating. And even if sometimes you quarrel over the choice of channel, movie preference, music to listen (and the volume..hahay) and anyone making a mess with the remote control, the whereabouts of his eyeglasses, contact lense, my hair clip, earrings, comb, etc.,-- still, without a grain of doubt, I would choose to grow old with him and die loving this existence.

The good thing really is, it’s actually possible to coexist (both in times of peace and war J) with this exciting creature from Mars. Your love will teach you to tackle life as a team. You grow to become confident that he will love you for all you are, for what you are becoming and always inspire you to become better. He keeps on watching you and has enough wisdom to tell you which battles are worth fighting, and which are better left alone. And I do the same for him.

Each day of being together, you just learn to embrace each other’s imperfections. You learn to love openly without reservations. And I believe, that there is no point of holding some for yourself, because love is an act of faith, and it is only in emptying yourself that you are filled.
Now, we are two halves of a whole...celebrating what was, looking forward to tomorrow, celebrating what is..

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